Asian surrogacy continues to be successful in ensuring that everyone is fulfilled by this process. We do this by choosing the best doctors in the country so that we can continue to maintain the highest pregnancy success rates of any agency. We also screen intended parents before they enter our program to make sure that they are truly aware of the expectations of being a good parent. We expect them to be supportive of their child and of each other. We want them to not only think about the journey itself but their child’s future.For first-time surrogates, we encourage you to visit the FAQs section of our website prior to completing the online application. Once you have completed the application, we will email you a detailed questionnaire asking you to submit specific information regarding family background as well as medical history. We also require that you provide photos of yourself and your family to accompany the questionnaire. The completed questionnaire and photos will be presented to the intended parents as an initial introduction so it is best to provide as much information as possible. If you still have additional questions please feel free to email us or call our office at 022/ 39136566 or Any time assist no +91 8655 00 6566.
You will then be interviewed by one of Asian surrogacy’s social workers to ensure that you – as well as your partner – are fully aware and ready, to officially begin a journey. In addition to the questionnaire, Asian surrogacy will conduct in-depth financial and criminal background checks. If you are approved to become a surrogate after completing these initial steps, you will then proceed to be matched with waiting intended parents.
This is more than a nine-month journey. It is an experience that will positively affect you and your family for the rest of your lives.
Surrogacy Fees
At the Asian surrogacy we take care of your financial situations. We transfer maximum benefit, which we could provide to you. You may encounter people who will openly assume that the money is your first reason for performing a surrogate pregnancy. You may encounter others who feel that the money 'taints' the experience, or somehow negates your higher purpose. When money is involved in any life experience, it changes peoples' perspective. You may also come across people who would criticize you for 'taking away from' your own children in carrying someone else's. This is not a benign concern, because you know that any pregnancy is likely to cause fatigue or irritability, and require extra rest, time out for doctor appointments, and countless other little things that replace precious moments spent with your children during these months. Many surrogates express a belief that the surrogacy process is setting a powerful example for their children in terms of reaching out and being proactive to change the world for the better. An even more concrete element to point to, is the extra money that surrogacy brings into your family.The surrogate fees are not about 'buying a baby' or 'renting a uterus'—they are mostly about family. You are offering family to a couple who could never realize this dream without you. They cannot repay you in kind. No reward can truly thank you for the enormity of your gift. A thank-you note in the form of the surrogate fee is the best anyone can do. Consider this a family gift for yourself—the money is yours to put into a college fund (maybe even to further your own education), or pay off your mortgage, or take a once-in-a-lifetime vacation, or however you may choose to spend it for yourself and your family. You have changed someone else's they want to change yours in some small way. Enjoy it.
The Fertility Treatment You will undergo as a Surrogate
Yes, there will be shots. Let's just get that out of the way at the start. In order to prepare your body to accept and nurture the implanted embryos, you must undergo a series of daily injections prior to the implantation. To put an even finer point on it, your body will not accept and nurture the embryos if you do not strictly follow the medication regimen. Your 100% compliance with doctor's orders is an imperative.We think you'll agree that this is a very small sacrifice in light of bringing new life into the world, but it is an important element to be aware of. You will need to discuss this with those in your support system. It may be that you'll decide to give yourself the injections, or you may find it easier to just close your eyes and let someone else "do the deed." In that instance, your husband, or your mother, or your best friend—whomever you choose to help with this process—will want to be educated before the first shot is administered.
The staff at Genesis Fertility (or whichever fertility clinic you work with), in tandem with Asian Surrogacy., will provide you with all of the information you need about the injections and the other medication required for the fertility stage of your surrogacy. Along the way, they will be constantly available to make sure all of your questions are answered. Your medication and necessary supplies will be sent to you through the mail, along with a phone number to call if you start to run low on anything.
This prospect may seem daunting, but Asian Surrogacy will work hard to ensure that all of these different elements come together smoothly for you. It will all pay off the first time you see that new little person on the Ultrasound screen!
If you are interested in applying to our program to become a surrogate, you can fill out an online form here. Please note that the online application process will include the submission of at least three pictures. You will be contacted within about 24 hours to inform you of the next steps.

We believe working with an agency is to your advantage as we provide full service support and guidance throughout the entire process. All aspects of the surrogacy journey are handled by our team, from matching, to screening, to legal work, to social work support, and we handle any issues that may arise.

If I have any other questions about gestational surrogacy, please email to Requirements

1. Are between the ages of 21-41 years of age
2. Have given birth to a healthy child within the past 10 years (If most recent pregnancy was not within the past 7 years, the OBGYN and delivery medical records will need to be made available for review.)
3. Have had healthy births since any miscarriage
4. Do not participate in certain government aid programs including section 8 housing
5. Have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of no higher than 32 (some clinics allow up to 33)
6. Live in a surrogate-friendly state in India
7. Have the support of family and friends
8. Do not use illegal drugs, smoke cigarettes, or abuse alcohol
9. Generally have medical insurance (though this is not a requirement)
10. Women with IUDs or who have had the Depo Provera shot are welcome to apply but must be willing to have their IUDs removed before a transfer, and should understand that they may be placed on hold temporarily.

BMI guidelines are set by the IVF clinics. For surrogate mothers whose BMI is 33-34, we do require a signed document from your family doctor stating your height and weight. The BMI requirements are established not only for health reasons, but also to ensure that you will respond appropriately to the medications necessary for this process.

Based on guidelines set by fertility clinics, we can only work with surrogates three months after a vaginal delivery or six months after a delivery by C-section. I am currently breastfeeding. Can I still apply to become a surrogate? Yes, you can apply to become a surrogate but you will need to stop breastfeeding before your medical screening and have at least two regular menstrual cycles before your embryo transfer can occur.

It is typically recommended that a gestational surrogate who is breastfeeding stop doing so at least one month before undergoing an IVF treatment cycle whereby an embryo is transferred into her uterus. The process of breastfeeding induces the secretion of certain hormones, including prolactin and oxytocin. Prolactin induces amenorrhea, or lack of ovulation and periods. Timing during an IVF cycle is critical, and doctors need to synchronize a surrogate’s menstruation with that of the egg producer, hence the need to know when the surrogate is getting her period. Also, elevated levels of prolactin associated with breastfeeding might have a deleterious effect on implantation, although we don’t have strong data to support it. Finally, the hormone oxytocin, released as a result of breastfeeding, causes uterine contractions, which in turn could be harmful to the implantation process when an embryo is trying to attach to the lining of the uterus.

Age limits are set by the IVF clinics. Because of fluctuating hormones after 41 years of age, and the increased health risks to you and the baby/ies, the age limit is no higher than 41 years of age. On occasion, we make exceptions, but only for women who have been surrogate mothers recently.

As long as you've had a healthy, full term pregnancy since, this does not disqualify you.

We are sorry but we require that all surrogates and egg donors in our program have the full support of their husband or partner. If you are not married, you must have a support person in place that can help you out in the event of an emergency.

Absolutely yes.

Overal L is a hormonal contraceptive that slowly releases a form of progesterone. It prevents pregnancy in several ways. One way is by stopping the release of an egg from the ovary. But more important, Overal L also changes the lining of your uterus. During in vitro fertilization, the uterine lining has to be in perfect synchrony with the growing embryo. If this is altered in any way, such as the premature secretion of progesterone produced by Overal L, the embryo will fail to implant.

Some STIs/STDs will disqualify you. HIV and Hepatitis (or any others that could be communicated to a fetus/baby) would disqualify you, whereas others, such as genital warts and genital herpes, may not. Please note that if you are experiencing an outbreak of genital herpes close to delivery we would request that you have a C-section and follow the advice of your primary obstetrician.

We do occasionally have couples who share these beliefs; however it is a rare occurrence as most of our intended parents ultimately want the choice to make decisions about their own family. You are encouraged to inquire whether or not we currently have intended parents who would not terminate a pregnancy due to a severe medical diagnosis of the fetus (es).

You cannot be a surrogate mother to a child you are currently carrying, as intended parents typically contribute their own genetic material to children born through surrogacy, and the surrogacy process requires a great deal of planning before you become pregnant. However, you might consider adoption as an alternative. Feel free to contact our office and we can provide contact information for an adoption agency or attorney near you.

If you are interested in surrogacy or donor program you can mail us or apply us or call us. You can fill the screening form and send it to us. We will call you back.

Once your form is reviewed, our staff will email you requesting that you fax or mail in your medical records from all pregnancies and deliveries. Once you apply to us to be enrolled in ASIAN surrogacy as surrogate or Donor, we will call you on some day. You will be visiting our consultant doctor; she/he will be taking your detailed history and do medical exams. Then if required few blood test or sonological examination may be done. Once you are considered to be fit to be donor or surrogate you will be taken in to program once required.

Your intended parents should pay most of the bills related to your pregnancy and delivery. The family you choose to work with will pay for all IVF medical procedures, expenses, co-payments and deductibles related to your pregnancy.

Carrier reimbursements are divided up into equal monthly installments following the confirmation of heartbeat (around the 6-8 week mark) and paid on the 1st of every month. If you are carrying multiple children, an additional multiples fee is paid to you over the last five months. After 28 weeks, the pregnancy is considered viable and if you deliver before 40 weeks, you are given a lump sum of the remaining balance. The remainder of the miscellaneous fees is distributed at various times throughout the pregnancy and will be discussed in your screening.

The family you match with will pay the fees outlined for you in your screening and agreed upon in the contract. This is not meant to be an out of pocket expense to you.

Yes, you should plan to be available to travel for the transfer, which is typically a 4-7 day trip. You can be medically screened and monitored closer to home but you will need to travel to the IVF clinic for the transfer. At times, the overseeing IVF clinic also requires you to travel for an initial screening. This is typically a one or two day trip.

Yes. Your social worker will discuss with you your comfort level in carrying multiple children. You can request this when you speak to our social worker at the time of your screening.

Typically, our gestational carriers will take prenatal vitamins, birth control pills, Lupron, Estrogen, and Progesterone. Every clinic is different and some medications are known by different names but serve the same purpose. Most must be administered by injection.

Guidelines vary from one IVF clinic to another; however, typically some type of modified bed rest for 24-36 hours is required.

Typically, carriers are expected to abstain from sexual intercourse for ten days before a transfer and ten days after a transfer. The IVF clinics will give you specific guidelines.

No. It should not be experienced physically any differently than a traditional pregnancy. You may experience morning sickness, headaches, swollen feet and hands as you would any pregnancy. If you become pregnant with multiple children and have not more than single deliveries in the past, you will notice differences. Your agency, clinic, social worker and OB will be there to answer any questions and support you in this process.

You may experience symptoms similar to those you would experience during your monthly cycle, such as mood swings. Your hormones will be changing and these changes in mood are normal, as they are during any pregnancy.

That is okay and will not be of concern. The placenta prevents the blood types from mixing and causing harm to you and the baby/ies.

The law varies from state to state so it will depend on where you live as well as where your intended parents are from. The attorneys in our program take this into account when matching you with your intended parents to be sure all legal work can be accomplished. Sometimes this is done by a pre-birth order, sometimes by virtue of a single, step or second parent adoption.

We recommend attorneys to you that we have worked in with the past and have good relationships with. We do this because we want to be sure that the attorney is familiar with surrogacy law as well as accepting a flat fee for services. That said, you are free to find an attorney you feel comfortable with.

Yes. This legal aspect is taken care of before we proceed with a transfer.

The intended parents.

No. Never.

We screen our intended parents as well to make an assessment of the stability in their relationship. If a divorce should occur, you would NOT have to assume care of the child. Custody would be worked out between the intended parents.