Recipient Process
Screening and Selection Process
Asian Surrogacy’s egg donors are healthy, young (generally between 20 to 29 years of age), and all are carefully medically tested for their fertility, screened for certain genetically linked diseases and infectious diseases. Because most risks for fetal abnormalities increase as a woman ages, there are considerable advantages to using a younger woman’s eggs. Asian Surrogacy’s Donor Egg Program manager assists the recipients in finding an appropriate donor match and discusses the selection process in detail. Patients and partners work closely with their physician and the Donor Egg Team during the Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) screening and laboratory blood tests, which takes place before a patient begins a cycle. When the final donor selection has been made, the rest of the cycle planning will proceed.Synchronizing the cycles
In order to synchronize the recipient’s cycle and the donor’s cycle, the recipient and the donor will be placed on birth control pills or down regulated with a medication called Lupride. The birth control pills will be stopped on decided dates so as to get their periods.Stimulation of the donor
The donor will receive hormone injection from day 2 of her period for a minimum of 10 days to stimulate her ovaries. Both the recipient and donor will receive ultrasounds to monitor progress and to determine when ovulation is approaching. At that point, the donor will be given a trigger injection, and sonographic egg retrieval will be performed 35 hours later. If the recipient’s partner’s sperm is being used, it will be collected the same day, and the recipient will receive specific instructions about the medications to continue through the cycle.Endometrial Lining Development for the Recipient
On the recipient's side, a favorable uterine environment, especially an endometrium of at least 8-9 mm, is crucial in the success of a donor egg cycle. While the egg donor develops eggs for retrieval, the recipient will be placed on estrogen and progesterone to prepare her endometrial lining for implantation. Developing the endometrium for embryo transfer is usually not a problem. Normally, embryos are transferred into the recipient's uterus on day 3 after donor egg retrieval (on rare occasions on day 5).Recipient Programme
For intended parents who need the assistance of an egg donor, Asian Surrogacy’s access to over 3,000 egg donors can help you find the donor that meets your unique requirements. Speak to a member from Asian Surrogacy’s staff to discuss the differences between known and anonymous donors; first time donors, donors with proven fertility and proven donors. Understanding your options and making a selection can be an overwhelming prospect. At Asian Surrogacy, we aim to make that choice easier for you.
Intended parents often have the need for both an egg donor and gestational surrogate. In the egg donation with gestational surrogacy programme, Asian Surrogacy staff coordinates a surrogacy journey that allows you to work with the IVF clinic of your choice. If you are not already connected with an IVF clinic, Asian Surrogacy staff can make recommendations and provide you with personal introductions. Once established with an IVF clinic, Asian Surrogacy staff helps you to select an egg donor. Once you have selected an egg donor, you are matched with a gestational surrogate that meets your legal, psychological and emotional needs.
One of Asian Surrogacy’s lower cost options is the Frozen Egg Bank program. When you need donor eggs, whether or not you need a surrogate, the Frozen Egg Bank allows you to select from eggs that have already been frozen from fully screened egg donors and are ready to use in an IVF cycle.
Asian Surrogacy has an exclusive arrangement with Genesis Fertility Chembur & Vashi to offer our intended parents the only Unlimited IVF plan in existence that promises continuing IVFs until you have a baby for the very low price. This is an all-inclusive financial package for all procedures involved in IVF, whether fresh or frozen cycle, all medications, all standard screening tests, all lab fees done at Genesis Fertility, etc. Obviously the IVF Physician, Dr Neelam Bhise, (MD Genesis Fertility) must approve all parties for the program (confirming sperm, egg and uterine quality).
Recipients are those who have struggled with infertility for many years. There are several reasons why a couple would be in need of donor eggs from an egg donor. These reasons can include: premature ovarian failure, the presence of genetic or chromosomal abnormalities, loss of ovarian function due to cancer or due to the treatment for cancer, or the production of poor quality eggs.

In addition to our superior egg donors, Asian surrogacy is committed to the success of our clients. We understand the time and expense involved in an egg donation cycle. We take pride in our work and exceptional service. Asian surrogacy is with you every step of the way. Our goal is to ensure that you have a safe, satisfying and successful experience.

Yes. We believe that the right to have children should be available to anyone, regardless of age, sex, religion, marital status, ethnicity and nationality. What are the legal aspects of egg donation? The ICMR guidelines allow commercial egg donation, provided it is anonymous and confidential. The egg donor has no rights over her eggs, and signs a contract -cum-consent with the clinic, agreeing to this.

Our egg donor program requires that egg donors be between the ages of 20 – 30. Every potential egg donor fills out a detailed questionnaire which contains extensive information on their medical history, physical characteristics of themselves and their family, their motivation to become an egg donor, educational background, and their personal habits and interests. Egg donors come from many diverse ethnic backgrounds.

Yes. You will need to enter into a legally binding agreement with the egg donor, which sets forth each party’s rights and responsibilities. We will refer you to an attorney who specializes in third party reproduction. This contract is in place to protect both you and your egg donor. It is a critical piece in the egg donation process.

Yes, you will be responsible for any child born following the treatment cycle. The donor relinquishes all legal rights and claims over any offspring that may result from the donation, along with all duties towards the child.

Both egg donation and embryo adoption are effective treatment option for women with poor ovarian reserve. With egg donation, we use donor eggs and your husband's sperm. With embryo adoption, both the eggs and and the sperm come from donors. Egg donation is more expensive than embryo adoption; and takes longer to perform, because we need to synchronise your cycle with that of your egg donor.

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